
Green Caravan and partners raise €1,3 million for first major grid-independent charging hub for e-trucks in Europe

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Joint venture Green Caravan and A2 Truck Parking is the start for realization of more charging hubs

Public charging facilities for trucks and vans are very scarce in the Netherlands and the EU, even though the logistics sector is already switching to electric transport. More than 1.000 e-trucks are expected to be on the road this year and this number will grow rapidly to 16.000 by 2027. This causes the demand to rise for more charge points with higher power, while the electricity grid cannot handle that extra demand. Project partners Green Caravan, Powercrumbs, Hedgehog Applications and A2 Truck Parking have received a grant of 1,3 million euros as co-financing for the realization of Europe's first large fossil-free and grid-independent charging hub for e-trucks with the project "Every E-truck Deserves a Charge."

 Intelligent charging system from local sources

With this first large fossil-free charging hub, Green Caravan and A2 Truck Parking will provide six charging bays and around one hundred truck parking spaces. Powercrumbs is developing a regional filling station with associated biogas distribution network in the province of Limburg. Hedgehog Applications is responsible for developing the charging and battery storage system. Together, the consortium partners are developing an intelligent charging hub, capable of steering for availability of local renewable energy sources and minimal CO2-footprint, without using electricity from fossil fuels.

 Current charging situation is problematic

An extensive fast-charging network is needed for all-electric logistics, but its rollout is still in its infancy and thus problematic. Due to grid congestion, the application for a large grid connection required for e-truck charging can take several years. As a result, charging infrastructure for e-trucks and e-vans lags behind the speed at which these electric vehicles are hitting the road. The consequences are major for the climate goals of the Netherlands and the rest of Europe, as many companies are therefore delaying the electrification of their fleets. 

Joint venture response to rapidly growing demand

Due to the rapidly growing demand for charging facilities for e-trucks, Green Caravan and A2 Truck Parking are starting a joint venture for the further rollout of charging and parking facilities. Late last year, the partners already jointly launched the first proof-of-concept fossil-free charging hub. This next step therefore marks a new phase in the development of Green Caravan. The part of the OPZuid grant received by Green Caravan, a European program for transition-driven innovation, accounts for about 50% of Green Caravan's investment in the project. A new funding round is launched for the remaining 50%. Through sharefunding platform Eyevestor, public and private investors can take their share in the energy transition. Becoming a shareholder of Green Caravan can start as low as €240. 



About Green Caravan

Green Caravan is an innovative startup from Limburg, whose mission is to make all electric vehicles CO2-neutral and 100% fossil-free charging the norm. Green Caravan not only offers the charging card with the linked app, which makes it easy to save CO2 emissions by smartly charging your electric car, but also builds 100% fossil-free charging hubs for electric cars and trucks in the Netherlands. Continue reading at https://www.greencrvn.com/.  


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